Sunday, September 21, 2008


I had to do another assignment, on tesellations. I used curved and straight lines to make a design. Then I copied another 5 so I have six. Then I colored it with black, yellow, dark green, red, blue and light blue. Then I pasted the tiles on a big piece of paper in a Z-shaped look. No I didn't learn a skill. Yes it increased my observation. No, I didn't develop any further ideas. Yes I was satisfied with my final results. Finally, no I didn't make any real life connections.

Lines and Colors

I had to do an assignment using lines and colors. The first thing you had to was to get a design then use black and white to balance the amount of the color on the paper to show balance and unity. I used diagonal, vertical and horizontal lines and I colored it zig-zag, black and white. I learned a skill that you have to balance art and unite them. I felt normal and a little bit relaxed when I was working on the assignment. No I did not felt like a problem solver at any level. No I didn't increase my observation. No I didn't develop any further ideas. And yes I was satisfied with my results. I learned that I should use balance and unity while making an art work. Finally, no I didn't make any real life connections.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Art Journal Reflective writing

....curious, adaptable and self-directed positive learners.

Physical response:
· Include a quick sketch/photo of your work.
· Explain the process of creating the art work. Literally how you did your art work.
· Did you learn a skill?
Emotional Response:
· How did you feel while you were working on this assignment?
· Did you feel you were a problem solver at any level?
· Did you feel that it increased your observation?
· Did you further develop your ideas?
· Were you satisfied with the final results?
Self Assessment and reflection:
· What did you learn doing this assignment?
· Are you able to make connections/analogy with other subjects or real life situations? The big picture connections.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nike Swosh

What is behind the Nike swoosh?

The Nike swoosh came from the greek goddess named Nike. She had wings, and on her wings she had the swoosh on it. Nike was the goddess of victory. So the Nike store sells sports stuff, and the logo represents victory. So you can be victorious while playing sports. Roger Federer wears 7 nike clothing. 1 on his headband, 1 on his shirt, 1 on each socks (2), and 1 on each hand band (2). And you know what happened? He won the tournament! Next time... wear NIKE!

Armand Tanudiredja