Monday, December 15, 2008

We started the poster by copying an image based on Egypt to Adobe Photoshop. Then we worked on it to make it look like a poster by adding a background picture and pictures in front. We shaded, colored, darkened, copied, pasted the images concluding into a final result. We then flatten the image and then drag it to Illustrator to work on the texts. We thought of short and good slogans to write on the poster. After finishing the text, we saved it as a JPEG image so we could paste it on our blogs. I learned a skill which was to use different things to make the object look better. I felt okay and normal when doing the assignment. I felt like a problem solver because when I had a problem, I tried different stuff to delete it or make it better. This project increased my observation because I tried different things on Adobe Photoshop because I haven't used it in such a long time. I did not develop any further ideas but I was very satisfied with the results. I learned that we have to open our minds to different things to solve problms and be creative.

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